Resume Synonyms for Assisted

Want another word for Assisted to use on your resume? Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, "Assisted".

Kimberley Tyler Smith Author Photo

Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith
Senior Hiring Manager
20+ Years of Experience

The word "assisted" describes work done with the help of others. Using this word in your resume shows that you have worked with someone else to achieve a goal and can work as part of a team.

Assisted is not a bad thing to have on your resume—it's just not as good as other words. It is a generic term that won't give the recruiter a sense of what kind of work you did, what skills you gained from experience, and how much responsibility you had for the project. You're missing out on the chance to show off what you're capable of doing.

Instead of using the word assisted, use action verbs that show how you impacted the project. So, when writing a resume, consider using specific phrases to describe what you did at your previous jobs. You can write about it in your resume using other action verbs, such as initiated, formulated, or persuaded.

It's essential to use specific language when describing your past projects for the recruiter to know precisely what kind of skills and experience you have. This will make your resume more distinctive and compelling for potential employers.

I've compiled some synonyms you can use instead of Assisted on your resume, followed by real examples I've written for clients (feel free to use them!).

Resume Synonyms for Assisted :

How to replace Assisted with a stronger action verb:

Let's look at examples of how you can remove and replace the overused phrase, Assisted, with a stronger synonym and alternative that is more effective at highlighting your achievements.

Before: Weak example using Assisted

• Assisted the customer support team and increased their efficiency

After: Using a stronger synonym • Designed online customer support center comprising of a self-service knowledge base and interactive chat; reduced customer support calls by 45%.

Replacing Assisted with Orchestrated ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted management with the planning and execution of corporate events

After: Orchestrated • Orchestrated a series of 15+ corporate networking events with over 150 participants each; realized an estimated 20% increase in lead generation

The weak verb 'Assisted' was replaced with the stronger, more impactful verb 'Orchestrated' to showcase the candidate's proactiveness. Also, including a specific number shows the candidate's capacity to handle and successfully execute large scale events.

Tip: I've prepared a ton of additional examples for you to give you inspiration. Please click on any of the following to expand and see real examples of how I've rewritten client bullet points.

Replacing Assisted with Personalized ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted in creating marketing strategies for clients

After: Personalized • Personalized client-centric marketing strategies, tailored to unique needs, boosting clientele response rate by 30%

Replacing 'Assisted' with 'Personalized' highlights the exclusivity of the service provided. The addition of clear metrics gives an idea of the scale of impact the candidate had on the business.

Replacing Assisted with Championed ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted with developing a new product line

After: Championed • Championed the development of a successful new product line, stimulating a 10% revenue increase

Shifting from 'Assisted' to 'Championed' portrays the candidate as spearheading the task, rather than being merely supportive. Mentioning the distinct contribution to revenue growth gives it more substance.

Replacing Assisted with Pioneered ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted in the launch of the company’s e-commerce platform

After: Pioneered • Pioneered the successful launch of company-wide e-commerce platform, driving an increase in online sales by 40% within first 3 months

'Assisted' was swapped out with 'Pioneered' to convey strong leadership and initiative. The precise metric denotes the magnitude of the outcome, strengthening the candidate's narrative.

Replacing Assisted with Revamped ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted with improving the company’s website design

After: Revamped • Revamped company’s website design leading to an 80% increase in site traffic and 65% increase in user engagement time

Changing 'Assisted' to 'Revamped' underlines the candidate's active participation. The inclusion of specific metrics allows hiring managers to appreciate the substantial impact of their actions.

Replacing Assisted with Spearheaded ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted in the negotiations for key contracts

After: Spearheaded • Spearheaded negotiations of critical contracts resulting in $1M+ annual cost-savings and an additional 15% in margin

The transformation from 'Assisted' to 'Spearheaded' is impactful as it credits the candidate with leading the process. Adding the financial metrics outlines the tangible outcome of the negotiations.

Replacing Assisted with Transformed ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted with the company's digital outreach campaigns

After: Transformed • Transformed digital outreach campaigns that attracted over 15,000 new website visitors a month

'Assisted' was replaced with 'Transformed' to denote significant contributions to the initiative, and specific numerical figures were introduced to emphasize the levels of success achieved.

Replacing Assisted with Optimized ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted with improving business processes

After: Optimized • Optimized business processes and workflows, increasing overall team productivity by 25%

The word 'Assisted' was switched with 'Optimized' to represent active participation, while metric-based results were included to showcase the candidate's ability to improve productivity.

Replacing Assisted with Elevated ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted with customer service improvement activities

After: Elevated • Elevated customer service levels by devising and implementing targeted service protocols, resulting in an enhanced satisfaction score of 85%

The change from 'Assisted' to 'Elevated' enacts a stronger verb, and the addition of measurable improvements offers hiring managers insight into the candidate's problem-solving prowess.

Replacing Assisted with Revitalized ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted in revamping company branding

After: Revitalized • Revitalized company branding, which resulted in a 40% increase in brand recognition and 30% increase in customer retention

Replacing 'Assisted' with 'Revitalized' gives more credit to the candidate's efforts. Concrete figures provide clear evidence of the project's impact and the candidate's success.

Replacing Assisted with Mobilized ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted with team restructuring and management

After: Mobilized • Mobilized the restructuring of a 20-member team, promoting a more efficient structure that boosted productivity by 35%

The transformation from 'Assisted' to 'Mobilized' credits the candidate with driving change, while providing specific numbers offers quantifiable proof of their leadership and results.

Replacing Assisted with Fortified ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted with efforts to enhance security protocols

After: Fortified • Fortified the company's security protocols, culminating in a 50% decrease in security breaches

Swapping 'Assisted' with 'Fortified' underlines the candidate's initiative and strong contribution, and the specific metric provides a demonstrable impact of their actions.

Replacing Assisted with Diversified ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted with expanding company’s client base

After: Diversified • Diversified company’s client base, yielding an influx of 100+ new clientele in a span of 6 months

'Assisted' was replaced with 'Diversified' to emphasize the role the candidate took on. The metric shows a measurable impact and provides scale to their achievement.

Replacing Assisted with Galvanized ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted with raising team's performance

After: Galvanized • Galvanized a team of 15 to improve their performance, leading to a 20% increase in sales over a quarter

'Galvanized' adds more substance than 'Assisted', as it highlights the candidate's leadership. The inclusion of specific numbers illustrates the significant result of their intervention.

Replacing Assisted with Mentored ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted new team members in onboarding and understanding company processes

After: Mentored • Mentored 12 new associates in mastering company processes, leading to a 33% shorter learning curve than average

Substituting 'Assisted' with 'Mentored' demonstrates a proactive role, and the quantifiable results show both the candidate's direct impact and skills at transferring knowledge.

Replacing Assisted with Piloted ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted with testing and deployment of new software tools

After: Piloted • Piloted the testing and deployment of two essential software tools, reducing process inefficiencies by 35%

The change from 'Assisted' to 'Piloted' associated the candidate with leadership. Providing a metric on process improvement paints a clearer picture of the candidate's effectiveness in execution.

Replacing Assisted with Analyzed ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted in reviewing financial data and reports

After: Analyzed • Analyzed financial data, uncovering inefficiencies that led to a cost reduction of $200K annually

Switching 'Assisted' with 'Analyzed' portrays the candidate as a proactive contributor rather than a passive helper. Quantifying the savings gives concrete proof of the candidate's analytical skills.

Replacing Assisted with Refined ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted in improving sales and marketing strategies

After: Refined • Refined sales and marketing strategies, generating an upturn in ROIs by 28% in one financial year

Replacing 'Assisted' with 'Refined' brings forth the candidate's active role in strategic roles while providing a specific metric demonstrates their work’s quantifiable impact.

Replacing Assisted with Directed ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted with the coordination of team assignments and projects

After: Directed • Directed the coordination of 10+ team projects, contributing to deliverables being completed 15% ahead of schedule

'Assisted' was replaced with 'Directed' to showcase the candidate's leadership. Providing concrete timelines demonstrates their capabilities to drive execution and manage time effectively.

Replacing Assisted with Increased ▾

Before: Assisted

• Assisted with marketing campaign improvements

After: Increased • Increased marketing campaign performance, leading to a 50% increase in customer conversions within two quarters

Switched 'Assisted' with 'Increased' to accentuate the candidate's influential role and, by providing a measure of the campaign's success, the result of their efforts is evident.

How to use these synonyms in practice

We've put together an infographic to give you more examples of how to put this into practice. Note the use of strong action verbs instead of words like Assisted.

More resume bullet point samples that use strong synonyms

How to use Analyzed on a resume:

• Analyzed 1500+ responses to a consumer survey to evaluate brand perception and customers' willingness to pay.

How to use Led on a resume:

• Led interview campaign with existing customers (300+ person survey, 40+ face-to-face discussions) to formulate requirements of a new product to help couples manage their expenses; outputs directly impacted product roadmap.

How to use Managed on a resume:

• Managed international stakeholders in India, United Kingdom and Hong Kong by hosting daily standups and coordinating weekly status reports.

How to use Liaised on a resume:

• Liaised with marketing to drive email and social media advertising efforts, using predictive modeling and clustering, resulting in a 35% increase in revenue.

How to use Developed on a resume:

• Developed strategies to trade and manage risk on the trading book comprising 30+ indices; 2016 P&L: $8M.

How to use Doubled on a resume:

• Doubled new user acquisition from 10-15 users to 20-25 through the implementation of new marketing strategies focused on online advertising and improving the company's web presence, social media, and search engine optimization..

Frequently Asked Questions

What is another word for Assisted on a resume?

Words like Assisted are overused on resumes. Instead, you should use other phrases like Trained, Prepared, Persuaded, Streamlined, Enabled or Initiated.

What is a better way of saying Assisted on a resume?

If you're looking for another word to use in place of Assisted, consider using one of these stronger alternatives:

Get a free resume review: Find out if your action verbs are strong enough.

If you have a version of your resume ready, remember to get it checked using our free resume scanner below. It will make sure all your action verbs are strong enough, and give you feedback on any mistakes you might have overlooked, so you can fix them before a recruiter sees them.