Looking for great ways to save money while studying for the Special Enrollment Exam (SEE)? We’ve gathered a list of free Enrolled Agent study materials. After all, your money is better spent on required EA exam fees!
Keep reading to learn about some of the best free EA exam study materials and how to use them.
Some of the items below require a free Gleim account to access but will help prepare you for EA exam success. Use the links listed here to explore these free EA exam resources now, or keep reading to learn more about their benefits.
These resources will not replace your EA exam prep. You should still find the right Enrolled Agent review course so that you have everything you need to pass. However, you can use these materials to learn more about the exam and make an informed decision about which course is right for you. We’ll explain the components and uses of these materials so you can make the most of them.
Our free EA study guide covers everything you need to know about the EA exam, including:
This free Enrolled Agent study guide helps you plan for success by outlining the process of applying for, preparing for, and passing the exam. It will take you from Day One to Exam Day, so read it throughout your entire exam journey.
When you’re ready to experience our adaptive EA review, sign up for the free Gleim EA course demo. It grants unlimited access to one exam topic from our Premium EA Review. As soon as you log in, our SmartAdapt ™ technology starts assessing your strengths and weaknesses with a quick study session. SmartAdapt then recommends a personalized path toward mastering each of your troublesome exam topics. Our comprehensive content outlines, video lectures, and audio lectures join forces with the largest test bank on the market to prepare you for every type of exam question. With this eye-opening glimpse into the best adaptive exam prep available, you’ll see for yourself why Gleim EA is the most widely used Enrolled Agent Review course on the market.
Gleim EA Review also supplies candidates with free EA exam practice questions for each exam part. These questions reveal your strengths and weaknesses with the exam content by demonstrating the EA exam difficulty levels. You can see where to focus your studies when you review the detailed answer explanations and topical score breakdown included with these questions. These questions also provide a very true-to-life first impression of the exam format and functionality, as they recreate the Prometric testing environment as much as possible. Try 40 free multiple-choice questions (MCQs) from each exam part, and when you’re ready for more, use the Gleim EA Test Bank.
The free materials from Gleim also includes hot topic webinars and videos. Our professional educators, certified tax accountants, and Enrolled Agent exam experts present lectures and host discussions that will help you become an Enrolled Agent. You can register for upcoming live webinars or access recordings of previous webinars. These engaging and informative EA webinars are perfect for a future EA who wants to learn about Enrolled Agent career opportunities or dive into an extensive exploration of multiple-choice question strategies.
As the creators of the EA Special Enrollment Exam, the Internal Revenue Service is perfectly positioned to give candidates a taste of released questions and official answers. Thankfully, the IRS has done so in its free resource, SEE Questions and Official Answers Opens in new window . The sample questions provide an understanding of the knowledge and skills required for the exam. The three sets of sample questions (one for each exam part) let you practice with the exam question types and review the official answers. Work through the sample questions to develop your initial knowledge about the exam, then return to them a few days before your testing appointments. The sample tests question sets aren’t nearly as long as the EA exam, but each can still serve as an assessment of your current knowledge.
Additionally, the IRS recommends candidates visit Prometric’s website for additional information on how to prepare for their exam, including a 15-minute practice exam simulation Opens in new window .
Because the IRS develops the SEE and handles Enrolled Agent certification, they are exam process experts. In their EA Candidate FAQs, the IRS shares information detailing the following steps:
The IRS provides a free Candidate Information Bulletin that includes EA Exam Content Outlines (ECOs), details about the exam process, and registration information for candidates and review providers to see. The ECOs communicate what will be on the exam and how the content coverage will be distributed.
Though the SEE content outlines break the content for each exam part down into parts, domains, and topics, they are not specific enough to replace an EA review course. Instead, use the EA Exam Candidate Info Bulletin and SEE content outlines as high-level guides to understanding the exam’s expectations.
The IRS also provides guidance for preparing tax returns in Publication 15 Opens in new window and Publication 17 Opens in new window and outlines the regulations for practicing before the IRS in Circular 230 Opens in new window .
Once you’ve learned all about the exam from these free Enrolled Agent study materials, you’ll be ready to start studying with a review course. As our cost-free content proves, Gleim EA Review is here to help you pass with comprehensive resources and award-winning candidate support. See for yourself how well our EA Review will prepare you!