Significant changes to the regulation of health professionals make for a busy 2021

Tracey M. Bailey, KC

Keeping up to speed with changes in the world of health professional regulation in Alberta will keep almost anyone working in healthcare busy in 2021. Colleges have significant work ahead of them to review and revise professional regulations, bylaws and standards of practice. Associations and colleges that currently operate as one entity will need to plan for their separation from one another, and will need to address the numerous transitional issues that will come with separation.

Healthcare organizations and professionals also need to be aware of recent and upcoming changes to health professional regulation in Alberta and their impact on their operations. They will need to prepare to address these changes by amending governance documents, policies or procedures as needed.

In 2020, we advised and wrote on changes made to Alberta’s Health Professions Act (“HPA”) through Bills 30 and 46. In this Communiqué, we comment briefly on those changes, outline additional coming changes to the regulations under the HPA (known and anticipated), and provide some insight into anticipated further legislative amendments to the HPA.

The New and Evolving Landscape of the Regulation of Health Professionals in Alberta

2020 HPA Amendments and Alberta Health Consultation Document

Changes made in Bill 30 were minor in volume but signalled a shift in the Alberta landscape, moving it further away from a pure self-regulating model to a shared-regulating model. The upcoming requirement to balance professional and public representation on college councils, hearing tribunals, complaint review committees and college appeal panels has signalled greater reliance on public input as opposed to professional expertise in key college decisions.

Changes in Bill 46, as outlined in a previous Communique, were substantial in volume and impact. Some of these amendments, yet to be proclaimed, were included as proposals in an Alberta Health consultation document (“AH Consultation Document”) published by the Alberta Medical Association (“AMA”) on August 6, 2020. The AH Consultation Document was a clear indication of the enormous volume and potentially ground-shifting changes being considered. While some of the Alberta Health proposals appeared in Bill 46 in the fall legislative session, many did not. However, we anticipate that more changes will be forthcoming.

2020 HPA Regulations

In addition to the changes to the HPA, last year also saw the making of new regulations or amendments to existing regulations that altered the health profession regulatory landscape, including:

HPA Regulations Anticipated in 2021 and Beyond

2021 and beyond will see numerous additional changes to the HPA regulations including:

HPA Amendments Anticipated in 2021 and Beyond

2021 and beyond may see further amendments to the HPA, such as: