Waiver of Liability Form California

The Releasor acknowledges that participation in (Activity or Event) (the "Activity") may involve certain risks. Possible risks include physical injury, death, and the destruction of property. The Releasor assumes all risks associated with participating in the Activity, whether known or unknown.

2. Release of Liability

Considering the Releasee allowing the Releasor to take part in the Activity, the Releasor agrees to release, waive, and discharge the Releasee. The releasors, their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns are all accountable under this agreement. The Releasor releases all demands associated with the Activity.

This release covers any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that the Releasor or their property may sustain. These potential incidents could occur while the Releasor is engaging in the Activity. This release is binding and enforceable under applicable law.

3. Indemnification

Include a clause stating the participant’s obligation to indemnify and hold the organizer harmless. This clause should cover any claims or damages arising from the Activity.

The Releasor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the Releasee harmless. This includes the Releasee's officers, agents, employees, and volunteers. Protection applies to all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action.

It also includes reasonable attorney's fees and costs. These costs may relate to the Releasor's participation in the Activity. This agreement does not apply to instances caused by the Releasee's gross negligence or willful misconduct.

4. Covenant Not to Sue

The Releasor agrees not to start legal action against the Releasee. This applies to any legal action concerning the Releasor's involvement in the Activity. This agreement does not apply in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct by the Releasee. In such instances, the Releasor reserves the right to pursue legal action.

5. Severability

Declaring any clause in the Agreement invalid will not affect the whole Agreement. The remaining provisions will remain in full force. The Parties will change the issue to a minor extent required. This modification aims to make it legal and enforceable.

6. Governing Law and Venue

Specify that California law governs the Agreement. The Parties must resolve any disputes in California courts.

The laws of the State of California will bind this Agreement. The state or federal courts in (County), California, will only resolve any disputes arising from or related to this Agreement.

7. Entire Agreement

This Agreement comprises the entire Agreement between the parties about the subject. This Agreement overrides all previous and current agreements, understandings, negotiations, and discussions. This applies to both oral and written communications.

8. Modification

The Parties will only change this Agreement with mutual consent. Both Parties must agree to any alterations, adjustments, or waivers. The Parties must document these changes in writing.

9. Binding Effect

This Agreement will apply to and benefit the parties involved. It covers the administrators and legal representatives of the parties. The Agreement also applies to their successors and designated representatives.

10. Counterparts

It is permissible for the parties to sign this Agreement using different copies. Both parties acknowledge that each original is integral to the same legal document.