MSPS Graduate Assistantships

A limited number of full- and part-time graduate assistantships are awarded to MSPS students on a competitive basis. These assistantships cover full or half of the cost of tuition in return for working in a variety of positions on campus through the College of Basic and Applied Science, the College of Liberal Arts, or College of Behavioral and Health Sciences for 20 hours (if full-time) or 10 hours (if part-time) per week. Out-of-state residents also receive a waiver of out-of-state fees.

Students must be accepted into the MSPS program before they can apply for an assistantship.

After you have been accepted to the MSPS program, we encourage you to apply for a graduate assistantship.

Graduate Assistantship Application Process

  1. Fill out an application.
  2. All applications are reviewed by the MSPS program after we know the number of assistantships available for the next semester, typically 1-2 months before the next semester (November for the spring semester, April for the summer, and late July for Fall).
  3. You will be contacted if you are awarded an assistantship.

Please note: you must send your completed application to Graduate Studies–not the MSPS program–to be considered for a graduate assistantship.

Priority Dates for MSPS Application Submission

The priority dates ensure that students accepted into the program can be considered for all graduate assistantships, including some outside of the MSPS program. While applications will be accepted after these dates, some of the assistantships will have been awarded.

Are there other assistantships available on campus?

Yes. Other departments offers graduate assistantships. You may also submit an application through these non-academic MTSU departments: Accounts Payable, Business Office, Campus Recreation, Center for Health and Human Services, Information Technology Division, Instructional Technology Support Center, Learning Teaching and Innovative Technology Center, News & Media Relations Office, Office of Compliance, Office of Development, and University Studies. Current contact information for these departments is available here.

How can I be considered for a GA position?

A GA must be enrolled in and fully admitted to a graduate degree program, which means he or she has completed all graduate admissions procedures and has been approved unconditionally. After obtaining a GA position, you must maintain a 3.00 GPA.

Are any scholarships available?

The College of Graduate Studies offers a limited number of scholarships and you may wish to submit an application. There are several scholarships for graduate students available through the MTSU College of Graduate Studies.

What will it cost to be a student?

This depends on several factors but this link can help you create a budget. Learn about MTSU's tuition, fees and other costs. Also, select the "MTSU cost of attendance" link on the left side of the page to estimate other expenses.