Difference between Presidential and Parliamentary Form of Government

There are basically two forms of democratic government systems – Presidential and Parliamentary. India follows a parliamentary form of government modelled on Britain’s. Our founding fathers had strong reasons for adopting this, as opposed to the presidential system. In this article, we compare both systems for the polity and governance sections of the UPSC syllabus .

Presidential and Parliamentary Form of Government – Indian Polity
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Apart from the parliamentary and presidential systems, there can also be a hybrid system incorporating features of both systems. The chief difference between these systems is the extent of power separation between the legislative, the executive and the judiciary. Another major difference between the presidential and parliamentary systems is the accountability of the executive to the legislature.

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First, we will discuss both forms of government systems enumerating their merits and drawbacks and then do a comparison of both the systems. This analysis will prove to be extremely useful from the CSE exam preparation perspective.

Presidential System of Government

In a presidential system, the head of the government leads an executive, that is distinct from the legislature. Here, the head of the government and the head of the state are one and the same. Also, a key feature is that the executive is not responsible to the legislature.

Features of the Presidential System

  1. The executive (President) can veto acts by the legislature.
  2. The President has a fixed tenure and cannot be removed by a vote of no-confidence in the legislature.
  3. Generally, the President has the power to pardon or commute judicial sentences awarded to criminals.
  4. The President is elected directly by the people or by an electoral college.

Merits of Presidential System

The advantages of the presidential system are given below:

Demerits of Presidential System

The disadvantages of the presidential system are given below:

Parliamentary System of Government

India chose a parliamentary form of government primarily because the constitution-makers were greatly influenced by the system in England. Another reason the founding fathers saw was that the parliamentary model would only work to accommodate the varied and diverse groups within our population. Also, the strict separation of powers in the presidential system would cause conflicts between the two branches, the executive and the legislature, which our newly-independent country could ill-afford.

There are more parliamentary forms of government in the world than there are presidencies. In this system, the parliament is generally supreme and the executive is responsible to the legislature. It is also known as the Cabinet form of government, and also ‘Responsible Government’.

Features of the parliamentary system

  1. Close relationship between the legislature and the executive: Here, the Prime Minister along with the Council of Ministers form the executive and the Parliament is the legislature. The PM and the ministers are elected from the members of parliament, implying that the executive emerges out of the legislature.
  2. Executive responsible to the legislature: The executive is responsible to the legislature. There is a collective responsibility, that is, each minister’s responsibility is the responsibility of the whole Council.
  3. Dual executive: There are two executives – the real executive and the titular executive. The nominal executive is the head of state (president or monarch) while the real executive is the Prime Minister, who is the head of government.
  4. Secrecy of procedure: A prerequisite of this form of government is that cabinet proceedings are secret and not meant to be divulged to the public.
  5. Leadership of the Prime Minister: The leader of this form of government is the Prime Minister. Generally, the leader of the party that wins a majority in the lower house is appointed as the PM.
  6. Bicameral Legislature: Most parliamentary democracies follow bicameral legislature.
  7. No fixed tenure: The term of the government depends on its majority support in the lower house. If the government does not win a vote of no confidence, the council of ministers has to resign. Elections will be held and a new government is formed.

Although India follows this system chiefly influenced by the British model, there are a few differences between the Indian and British systems. They are:

Merits of Parliamentary System

The advantages of the parliamentary system are as follows:

Demerits of Parliamentary System

The disadvantages of the parliamentary system are as follows:

Comparison of Presidential and Parliamentary Systems

A tabulated comparison of Presidential and Parliamentary systems, important from the UPSC exam perspective have been discussed below:

Basis Parliamentary Presidential
Executive Dual Single
Accountability Executive accountable to legislature Executive not accountable to legislature
Ministers Only from among MPs People outside the legislature can be appointed
Dissolution of lower house PM can dissolve before the expiry of the term President cannot dissolve
Tenure Not fixed Fixed

UPSC aspirants should know the different forms of government from the Indian Polity perspective to better align their UPSC preparation. The information about different types of government forms the clarity in the political administration of the country.

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UPSC Questions related to Presidential and Parliamentary Form of Government

Does a parliamentary democracy have a president?

A parliamentary democracy can have a president who is the nominal head of the executive.

Why do we have a parliamentary form of government?

Our founding fathers thought the parliamentary system suited India the best because of its diversity and also because of the experience with the British system.

Which is the best form of government parliamentary or presidential?

Both systems have merits and demerits. It depends on the country and the system which is best suited for it.

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