Confidentiality Clause Sample Clauses

Confidentiality Clause. 1. Both parties agree to endeavor to take all reasonable measures to keep in confidence the execution, terms and conditions as well as performance of this Agreement, and the confidential data and information of either party that the other party may know or access during performance of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Confidential Information”), and shall not disclose, make available or assign such Confidential Information to any third party without the prior written consent of the party providing the information.

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Confidentiality Clause. 6.1 The Clearing Member recognises that for the execution of this agreement, the Settlement Agent needs to be aware of the data relating to the settlement corresponding to the said Member, and therefore permits the Settlement Agent to avail itself of the relevant information through the Pre-settlement Service, CC&G, or another company engaged by the latter.

Confidentiality Clause. 6.1 The Clearing Member undertakes to comply and to cause the personnel of which it avails itself, including non- employees, to comply with any due confidentiality obligation in relation to data, facts and other information learned or which may be learned in the framework of or in relation to the obligations undertaken hereunder.

Confidentiality Clause. A. This Agreement and the pre Agreement documentation may contain confidential or proprietary information of either party to this Agreement. All parties shall maintain the confidentiality of this information and shall not disclose these to any third party without both parties approval.

Confidentiality Clause. 1. The trade secrets mentioned in this agreement, including but not limited to the price, quantity, payment method involved in this agreement, the information of the other party exchanged by both parties in business contacts, and the trade secrets, company plans, operation activities, financial information, technical information, business information and other trade secrets, user data, sales prices, reports, etc. of the cooperation projects involved are the trade secrets of both parties. Both parties promise to keep the above-mentioned trade secrets in the process of discussing, signing and executing this agreement, and shall not disclose the above-mentioned trade secrets to any third party in any way. If one party to the agreement reveals the above-mentioned trade secrets due to the behavior of the other party, it shall have the right to ask the other party to bear all economic losses and all legal responsibilities.

Confidentiality Clause. 10.1 Party B undertakes to keep all the information concerning Party A’s commercial secrets known or aware of through the execution of this contract as confidential.

Confidentiality Clause. The parties acknowledge that as a result of this Agreement, each party may have access to and receive from the other party non-public personally identifiable financial and/or health information (NPI), as defined in federal and state law, regarding consumers, customers, former customers and/or their beneficiaries. The parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of such NPI and shall not use, disclose, furnish or make accessible such NPI to anyone other than authorized employees and agents of that party as necessary to carry out the party’s obligations under this Agreement. Each party further agrees to establish and maintain administrative, technical and physical safeguards to protect the security, confidentiality and integrity of the NPI. At the request of the party that owns the NPI, or in the absence of such request, upon termination of this Agreement, the other party shall promptly return all NPI which has been provided to it, or dispose of such NPI in a manner agreed upon by the parties, unless the party is required to maintain such NPI under federal or state laws or regulations. [Signatures on the Following Page.] Pacific Life Standard Selling Agreement

Confidentiality Clause. Both parties shall be obliged to keep confidentiality in terms of the business, technical information, and trade secrets of the other party that they gain or hold in the course of business cooperation. The information shall not be disclosed to a third party without the written consent of the other party. If either party breaches the confidentiality clause and leads to losses to the other party, the breaching party shall bear corresponding economic and legal liabilities.

Confidentiality Clause. Confidential Information’ means trade secrets, confidential data, and other non-public confidential proprietary information (whether or not labeled as confidential) including any and all financial terms of and products involved in the production and any and all scripts whether communicated orally, in written form, or electronically. Confidential information does not include information that was lawfully in Performer’s possession prior to being disclosed in connection with the employment of Performer, is now, or hereafter becomes generally known to the public, or that Performer rightfully obtained without restriction from a third party. Performer acknowledges that Performer has and will become aware of certain Confidential Information. Unless otherwise required by law, Performer agrees that, without Producer’s prior written approval, Performer shall hold such Confidential Information in the strictest confidence and that Performer will not disclose such Confidential Information to anyone (other than Performer’s representatives in the course of their duties to Performer, which representatives shall be bound by the same restrictions as set forth in this Agreement) or utilize such Confidential Information for Performer’s benefit or for the benefit of a third party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing herein shall prohibit Performer from disclosing Confidential Information concerning Performer’s wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment as that term is defined under Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act. For clarity, except as set forth above, Producer may not demand or request that Performer execute any non-disclosure agreement that has not been approved in advance and in writing by the Union.” This provision is not intended to supersede any confidentiality provisions in celebrity agreements.

Confidentiality Clause. 4.2.1 The Licensee shall keep in strict confidence all the confidential materials and information of the Licensor which are known to or accessible by the Licensee in connection with its acceptance of the license with regard to the Cellphone Games Software (hereinafter referred to as the “Confidential Information”). Upon the termination of this Agreement, the Licensee shall also, at the request of the Licensor, return all documents, information or software containing any Confidential Information, or destroy them on its own and delete Confidential Information from all its memory devices, and shall not continue to use such Confidential Information. Without the prior written consent of the Licensor, the Licensee shall not disclose, offer or transfer to any third party the Confidential Information.