
Applications from all transfer students are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Students must also complete their last 30 hours of credit at KU. For more information on transfer credits, see Undergraduate Admissions.

Current Students:

Students who are currently enrolled at KU, need to meet the following:

Current students admitted to other academic units may apply to the School of Engineering by completing a Change of School form.

Please contact a member of our recruitment team, 785-864-3881, if you have any questions. Per University Registrar deadlines for processing, Change of School applications for the fall semester will be accepted until the last Friday in October of each school year; Change of School applications for the spring semester will be accepted until the last Friday in March of each school year.

Readmission Requirements:

Students applying for readmission to the School of Engineering must meet the following:

Alternatively, an engineering department may provide a previously dismissed student a pathway to readmission and/or graduation. The department may set an alternative standard for the dismissed student to meet satisfactory progress in the engineering program and be admitted to the school. This amended standard for readmission must be documented and in advance of the start of the semester in which the student is applying for readmission.

Applications from all students applying for readmission are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Students must also complete their last 30 hours of credit at KU. For more information on transfer credits, see Undergraduate Admissions.


November 1 - Priority scholarship deadline for incoming freshmen

December 1 - Deadline to apply for the Self Engineering Leadership Fellows Program for incoming freshmen

Last Friday in October - Deadline to submit Change of School applications for fall semester admission

Last Friday in March - Deadline to submit Change of School applications for spring semester admission